My first feed, who's going to read it at all? Who cares :P
I'm working on a new "must fail" code named project, another Ascii (Ansi) game. Currently I'm completely focused on 3D ANSI engine. It is NOT another offsceen rendering with "ansi shader". All assets are made in Ascii, usually painterd from 12 directions + another 12 if reflected in water. Everything is composited on screen from sprites and terrain triangles rasterized and z-buffered in software.
What do you think, is this worth further efforts?
You can try it here (online app):
Holy crap! So this is literally just plopping down a screen full of ANSI characters on every refresh? This is awesome, I love the aesthetic and you definitely gotta keep it up.
Back in the 90s when Flash didn't exist and I had no idea how to use graphics engines, I made a vertical scrolling shooter in PASCAL where every tick it would clear screen and redraw the art with ANSI characters. This is like a fever dream version of that and I love it.
Oh! Are you that Tom?
Motivation recharged to 400%
I didn't consider such positive feedback, thanks for tweeting.